Quest 1: Maestro of probability

Welcome to the first week of The Quantum Quest – you are at the very beginning of an exciting adventure!

Quantum computing is a fascinating topic that can easily capture your imagination. The main source of our fascination with it is the strangeness of the quantum world. However, it is also the main source of our confusion. Indeed, it is not hard to get entangled in quantum weirdness or lost in the exponentially big state space of a quantum computer. To avoid such trouble, you need to prepare yourself by first getting familiar with the world of probabilities. Once you have become a maestro of probability, you will be able to unlock the door to the quantum world as well!

The goal of the first quest is for you to learn about probabilities and probabilistic bits: what are the states of a probabilistic bit, what are the allowed operations on it, and how can we extract information from a probabilistic bit by a measurement? The main focus of the second quest will be quantum bits, which are very similar to probabilistic bits.